The charter granted by their majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England . ick Place infaid DiftricT: a Notification thereof Provided neverthelefs, 8nD be it fUttfcet CIiaCteD, That the faid DiftricT: fhall pay their Proportion of all Town, County and ProvinceTaxes, already let on or granted to be raifed by faid Town, as ifthis Act had not been 3nD ut it ftltt&et enaCtCtl, That Joftpb ifewJ&Efq-, be and here-Efq; impow- by is impowered to iflue his Warrant directed to fome principal Inh

The charter granted by their majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England . ick Place infaid DiftricT: a Notification thereof Provided neverthelefs, 8nD be it fUttfcet CIiaCteD, That the faid DiftricT: fhall pay their Proportion of all Town, County and ProvinceTaxes, already let on or granted to be raifed by faid Town, as ifthis Act had not been 3nD ut it ftltt&et enaCtCtl, That Joftpb ifewJ&Efq-, be and here-Efq; impow- by is impowered to iflue his Warrant directed to fome principal Inha-the firOMeet- ^tznZ m ^ DiftricT:, requiring him to notily and warn the Inhabi-:^jjk tants of faid DiftricT:, ^qualified by Law to vote in Town Affairs, to **: meet at fuch Time and Place as ihall be therein fet forth, to chufe all fuch Officers as fhall be neceffary to manage the Affairs of faid DiftricT:. BOSTON : Printed and Sold by g>.lftneelan& andX,d5reen,byOrderofHisHonour theLieutenantGo-vernour, Council andHoufe of Reprefentatives. 1753-. rJnno- Regni Regis G E O R G II II. VicefimO Sexto. 753- Courts altered 433. Ads and Laws*i Parted by the Great and General Court or AfTembly of Plis MajeftysProvince of the Maffachufetts- Ray in New-England: Begun and Heldat Concord in the County of Middle/ex, upon Wednefday the twenty-feventh Day of May 1752. And continued by Prorogations andAdjournment, to Wednefday the twenty-eighth of March following,and then met at Bojton. C H A P. V. An A£t for altering the Times for holdingthe Superiour Court of Judicature Courtof Affize and General Goal Delivery,within the Counties of Plymouth, Barn-ftabk and Briflol. 9 M 7HERE AS the holding of the SuperiourCourt of1/1/ Affize and General Goal Delivery at Taunton,vw7£/» and for the f County of Briftol, at the Time appointed by Law, being the fecondTuejday in May yearly, would (as the Style of the Tear is nowaltered) be in many Refpecls inconvenient: And

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Keywords: ., booka, bookauthorenglandandwalessovereign16891694williamandmary