An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian ed2illustratedflo02brit Year: 1913 14. Ranunculus ovalis Raf. Prairie Crow- foot. Fig. 1908. Ranunculus ovalis Raf. Proc. Dec. 36. 1814. Ranunculus rhomboideus Goldie, Edinb. Phil. Joum. 6: 329. 1822. Pubescent, branching, 6-18' high. Lower and basal leaves oval, oblong, or ovate-oblong, long- petioled, the blade l' in length or more, crenate or slightly lobed, obtuse, the bas

An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian ed2illustratedflo02brit Year: 1913 14. Ranunculus ovalis Raf. Prairie Crow- foot. Fig. 1908. Ranunculus ovalis Raf. Proc. Dec. 36. 1814. Ranunculus rhomboideus Goldie, Edinb. Phil. Joum. 6: 329. 1822. Pubescent, branching, 6-18' high. Lower and basal leaves oval, oblong, or ovate-oblong, long- petioled, the blade l' in length or more, crenate or slightly lobed, obtuse, the base more or less cuneate, rarely subcordate; upper cauline leaves sessile or short-petioled, deeply divided into 3-7 linear or oblong obtuse lobes; flowers yellow, 9'-i2' broad, the petals narrow and much exceed- ing the calyx; head of fruit spherical; carpels and achenes oval or orbicular, minutely beaked. In fields and on prairies, Labrador (?), Quebec and Ontario to Saskatchewan, Alberta, Illinois, Wiscon- sin and Nebraska. March-May. 15. Ranunculus Harveyi (A. Gray) Brit- ton. Harvey's Buttercup. Fig. 1909. Ranunculus abortivus var. Harveyi A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 21: 372. 1886. R. Harveyi Britton, Mem. Torr. Club 5: 159. 1894. Glabrous, stem erect, slender, branched, 8'-i8' tall, from a cluster of narrowly fusiform roots. Leaves thin, the basal and lower ones long- petioled, reniform or suborbicular, obtusely crenate or somewhat lobed, 5'-i8' wide, cordate, or some of them truncate at the base, the upper sessile or nearly so, deeply 3-cleft or 3-parted into linear or narrowly oblong entire or few- toothed obtuse segments; flowers bright yellow, 6'-9' broad; petals 4-8, oblong, 4 or 5 times as long as the reflexed sepals; head of fruit globose, 2' in diameter; achenes oblique, compressed, tipped with a minute straight beak. On dry hillsides, Missouri and Arkansas. April- May.

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Keywords: archive, book, drawing, historical, history, illustration, image, page, picture, print, reference, vintage