Villa Royal, Naples, Italy. Napoli. TALLIS c1855 old antique print picture

Villa Royal, Naples. Artist/engraver/cartographer: J Styles & Sc. Provenance: "The Life and Times of the late Duke of Wellington; by Lieut. Colonel Williams, comprising the campaigns and battlefields of Wellington and his comrades, the political life of the Duke and his contemporaries and a detailed account of England's battles by sea and land from the commencement of the great French Revolution to the present time interpersed with anecdotes, personal incidents and adventures &c.", Published by John Tallis & Company. Type: Antique steel engraved print.

Size: 2972px × 2068px
Location: Italy
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1855, 19th, account, anecdotes, antique, battlefields, battles, campaigns, century, colonel, commencement, comprising, comrades, contemporaries, detailed, duke, england, french, great, interpersed, italy, land, late, lieut, life, naples, napoli, nineteenth, payne, political, present, print, revolution, royal, sea, styles, tallis, time, times, towns, villa, vintage, wellington, williams