Sir John Young, 1st Baron 2nd Baronet Lisgar 1807 1876 Governor General of Canada. Bombay, India House of Commons Tory member Ca

Old Quebec The fortress of new France By Gilbert parker and Claude G Bryan Copp Clark company Limited Toronto Published by norwood press the Publisher: Macmillan Company. New York 1903 New York, : An early history of Canada's most controversial province. This history covers the early voyages of Cartier, Roberval, Samuel de Champlain and La Salle; trading companies, Quebec in the 1800s and more. Appendices list governors of Canada, 1540-1898; leaders and premiers after the union of 1841; 1841-1896; and ministers after the confederation of 1867, 1867-1900 Red River Rebellion Irish Americans Fenians transfer Rupert's Land North-Western Territory Hudson Bay Company Crown Red River Rebellion Lieutenant Governor United States. Rideau Hall. Parliament Hill returned to Ireland. Lady Lisgar re-married twice after Lord Lisgar's death on October 6, 1876, and died in Paris on July 19, 1895 at the age of 74. Having died without either issue or close relations, his barony ended with Collegiate Institute on Lisgar Street in Ottawa takes its name from Lord Lisgar. A likeness of Lord Lisgar is prominently displayed in the school's Street in Toronto and Lisgar Avenue in Saskatoon takes its name from Lord Lisgar In Mississauga, Ontario, a community in the Meadowvale neighbourhood has been called Lisgar. In the fall of 2007, a new Lisgar GO Station will be opened on the Milton GO train line, and a Lisgar Middle School in the neighbourhood within the Peel District School Board.

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Photo credit: © Alan King engraving / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

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