calculator and money

daily danger dearness dearth debasement debt collecting debtor consultancy debtors deduction deductions defaulter defaulters demand depreciation deserve desperateness destitute direction disburses discount discounts doings dunning process duty paid earnings ECB forecasting report economically economy election element emblematical emblematically encumber with encumbers enterprise banknotes zone exchange rates existence expenditure expensive factoring failure failures fees fellow men finance financial management financing fiscal reform forecast forecasts foreign forthrightly GDP gross domestic product national wage guiltiness hard have monay heavily indebted high prices hish hopeless hopelessness human humanely illiquidity impecunious in in-payment inability inable return incoming orders increment indebtedness indigent ingenuously inland revenue insolvency insolvent insolvently charge for default delay on account arrears invest irredeemability items job labour lack launch life form line liquidity loan loss losses macroeconomics managerial-economics mankind miserable missions changer due moneys finances need needy net wages notions number the order inflow situation out funds outspokenly outstanding outstandings overindebted owe paper pauper payments pays penniless pennilessly political politics poll-taker pollster poor posting erosion / pricing pressure prizes problems productive productivity prognosis prolifically prove purchasing patterns rag raise increases receipt receivables richer richly rise rises rising prises rock save shortage social society solvency solvent sortie sorties specie spending state stimulation profits subsistence level subtraction subtractions survive symbolically take-home takings tax things ticketing till time trade transferals trend-setting unable under bridge unpaid unpropertied until violence bargaining increase negotiations war wealth wealthy without access advance asset banknote bedraggled bookkeeping broke businessman consume count crash

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Keywords: accession, accountancy, accounting, accounts, accretion, accrual, active, added, adult, affluent, agency, annuity, antes, appropriation, architecture, arm, art, average, averagely, bank, banker´, bankruptcies, bankruptcy, banrupt, bar, barge, barometer, basket, beeches, behaviour, bill, bills, blackout, body, book, booking, branch, breakdown, budget, bureau, business, buying, calculator, cancel, capital, capitations, cash, cashless, cent, central, change, circulation, coin, coined, coins, collection, comings, commissions, company, concepts, consumer, consumption, contributation, cost, costs, courses, creation, credit, creditworthiness, crisis, cycle, de, debts, desperation, disbursement, economic, economics, electronics, employer, entrance, entrepreneur, euro, firm, fortune, future, goods, homeless, hope, illustration, impoverished, income, index, inflation, interest, investment, invoice, issue, living, market, means, memorial, money, mood, note, notes, open, opinion, outlay, outsider, part, pay, payment, people, planning, pocket, policy, poverty, power, price, profit, promotion, public, quote, rate, receivable, recession, risk, salary, settlement, shabby, shine, shop, small, standing, stock, symbol, tramp, transaction, transfer, trend, unemployed, world