architecture, bridges and bridge construction, Britannia Bridge near Bangor, Wales, built 1846 - 1850, architects: William Fairbairn und Robert Stephenson, illustration from "Denkmaeler der Kunst" (Monuments of Art), by Wilhelm Luebke and Carl von Luetzow, 3rd edition, Stuttgart 1879, volume 2, steel engraving by H. Gugeler, after drawing by Wilhelm Riefstahl, chapter on architecture, plate LI, 19th century, Great Britain, railroad, railway, historic, historical, Denkmaler, Denkmäler, Lubke, Lübke, Lutzow, Lützow, Additional-Rights-Clearance-Info-Not-Available
Size: 5315px × 2078px
Photo credit: © INTERFOTO / History / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No
Keywords: 19th, architecture, bangor, bridge, bridges, britain, britannia, century, construction, denkmaler, denkmäler, great, historic, historical, lubke, lutzow, railroad, railway, wales, übke, ützow