YACHT FLAGS Turquoise & Red, Blue & Black. Blue & White 1896 old antique print

Racing Flags of Yachts - Kittiwake, Hurrell - Bella Donna, Read, Godwit, Gaskell - Manana, Watling, Mascotte, Knight - Volage, Tower & Yeo - Witch, Com. J. Griffin - Phoebe, E. Mallet - Leda, G. Baerselmann - Aha, R. Aldous - Brunette, Almond - Ally Sloper, Ball - Dulcie, Miss Hammersley & Mrs Duff Gordon - Lady Harvey, F. Cowper - Eros J. Oetling - Freda, E. Croft - Giselle, P. Dorchis, Lwg Dha, Meares. - Enchantress, T. St. J. Belbin - Frolic, The Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin - Isis, L. Hoyack - Windward, Vainka, Richmond - Secret, Stone - Tomtit, Cave, Virago, R. Stone - Mac Nab, Monkhouse & Ratsey - New Babe, E. Lemon - Bantam, Capt Cook. - Samphire Col. A. Paget & O. Goelet - Amstel W. Hultzen - Sperwer, C. Jurrjens - Rhona, A. F. Penraven - Koodoo, Harrison & Tatham, Whisper Harrison & Cockburn - Möina, Sir Wrey. Bt. - Morwyn Burton - Revenge, Dr. R. King - Alceste, G. Smith - Dysilio, J. Moseley - Dolphin, Watson - Muriel, Starkey, Corona, F & Last - Iris, C. Rubow - Titania, Hellstrand - Fidget, J. Craig. Jun - Pukaki, Callender. Artist/engraver/cartographer: McCorquodale & Co Ltd, London NW. Provenance: "Lloyd's Register of Yachts"; Containing particulars and Distinguishing Flags of Yachts & Motor Boats. Type: Antique lithographic colour print.

Size: 2449px × 1543px
Location: Sailing
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1896, aha, aldous, ally, almond, antique, baerselmann, ball, bella, black, blue, brunette, cowper, donna, duff, dulcie, eros, flags, freda, gaskell, godwit, gordon, griffin, hammersley, harvey, hurrell, kittiwake, knight, lady, leda, mallet, manana, mascotte, oetling, phoebe, print, racing, read, red, sloper, tower, turquoise, volage, watling, white, witch, yacht, yachts, yeo