Leg anatomy. Computer artwork of an oblique anterior view looking up a human leg, showing muscles and tendons (brown and white), bones and ligaments (

Leg anatomy. Computer artwork of an oblique anterior view looking up a human leg, showing muscles and tendons (brown and white), bones and ligaments (white), arteries and veins (red and blue), nerves (yellow), and lymph vessels (green). The leg articulates with the pelvis at the hip joint. The upper leg (thigh) articulates with the lower leg at the knee, and the lower leg articulates with the foot at the ankle. The main bones are the femur, tibia and fibula. The sole of the foot includes the plantar fascia (white), a supportive layer of fibrous connective tissue, as well as muscles and tendons that flex (bend) the toes.

Size: 4180px × 4180px
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: adduktor, adduktorengruppe, anatomical, anatomie, anatomy, arterien, artery, artwork, becken, beckengürtel, bewegungsapparat, biological, biology, blood, blutgefäß, blutkreislauf, body, bone, dreiviertelansicht, extensoren, extensorengruppe, extremitä, ferse, fersenbein, fibularisgruppe, flexoren, flexorengruppe, foot, freie, fuß, fußmuskeln, fußsohle, gesäßmuskeln, gesäßmuskulatur, gliedmaß, healthy, herz-kreislaufsystem, hinführer, human, hyaliner, illustration, joint, joints, knee, knie, kniegelenk, knochenverbindungen, knorpel, knöchel, kreislauf, kurze, leg, limb, lymph, lymphatisches, lymphgefäß, lymphgefäßsystem, mittelfußknochen, muscle, muscles, muscular, musculature, musculoskeletal, muskel, muskulatur, nerv, nerve, nerven, nervensystem, normal, oberflächliche, oberschenkel, oberschenkelknochen, plantar, plantaraponeurose, rechts, schienbein, schrä, sehnen, sehnenscheiden, seitlich, skelett, springerbody, sprunggelenk, stützapparat, system, thigh, unten, untere, unterschenkel, vein, venen, ventral, vessel, von, vorderseite, vorn, vorne, wadenbein, zeh, zehen, zehenknochen, üftbein, üfte, üftgelenk, üftmuskulatur