The Drawing Gallery of the Felix Meritis Society, Adriaan de Lelie, 1801 painting The drawing hall of the Felix Meritis society in Amsterdam, with portraits of artists, collectors of painting and drawing and some artificial brokers. The nude model is drawn. The artists are present, from left to right: Pieter van Winter N. Szn, Josephus Augustinus Brentano, Jacobus Lauwers (seated on a donkey), Pieter de Smeth van Alphen, Gerrit Muller, an unknown, Daniël Dupré, Jacques Kuyper, Adriaan de Lelie (sitting with hat), Lambertus Antonius Claessens and above him, to the right of the model, Philippus

The Drawing Gallery of the Felix Meritis Society, Adriaan de Lelie, 1801 painting The drawing hall of the Felix Meritis society in Amsterdam, with portraits of artists, collectors of painting and drawing and some artificial brokers. The nude model is drawn. The artists are present, from left to right: Pieter van Winter N. Szn, Josephus Augustinus Brentano, Jacobus Lauwers (seated on a donkey), Pieter de Smeth van Alphen, Gerrit Muller, an unknown, Daniël Dupré, Jacques Kuyper, Adriaan de Lelie (sitting with hat), Lambertus Antonius Claessens and above him, to the right of the model, Philippus van der Schley, Jan IJver, Jan Hulswit, Dirk Versteegh (with outstretched arm), Pieter Fouquet Jr., Hermanus Fock, H. Peereboom ( pointing to the model), Cornelis van Heurn, Jan Evert Grave JR, Jacob de Vos WZ (front with hat), Gabriël van Rooijen, Jan Tersteeg, Jacob Smies, Chrétien du Bois, Jan Kamphuysen, Hermanus Numan (above the others excellent) , Jan Ekels Jr., Pieter Barbiers Pz, Roelof Meurs Pruyssenaar, Steven Goblé, Jacob de Vos, professor Andreas Bonn, Jodocus Clemens van Hall, Reinier Vinkeles, Johannes Goll van Frankenstein, Bernardus de Bosch, Hendrick van Eijl Sluyter, Jan Gildemez , Jeronimo de Bosch, Cornelis Sebille Roos and on the wall the portrait of Jean Grandjean. canvas. oil paint (paint) drawing-room, 'salon'. drawing. artist's model, sitter Amsterdam. Happy merits

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Photo credit: © piemags/rmn / Alamy / Afripics
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