. The craftsman. nk it probably fo,«* mull be pleafed with it. They, that think it a«« meer Piece of Gaiety in T^hofe, who preiide, or*< an hafty Blunder in the Dark, will have other« Refentments about it i but They muft firft think Them meer MadmEn, or meer Idiots, be-* fore They can come to This. A, I am, Sir^ isc. Courtly Grub, E)^; ^°435- Saturday, November^^ i734- To CALEB DANVERS, Efq^i Sir, H E R E is no kind of Study more ufefulto private Men, nor indeed more inftru-dlive to Perfons in the higheft Stations,than That oi ancient Eiftory j and more_ __ particularly thofe Paffages, whic

. The craftsman. nk it probably fo,«* mull be pleafed with it. They, that think it a«« meer Piece of Gaiety in T^hofe, who preiide, or*< an hafty Blunder in the Dark, will have other« Refentments about it i but They muft firft think Them meer MadmEn, or meer Idiots, be-* fore They can come to This. A, I am, Sir^ isc. Courtly Grub, E)^; ^°435- Saturday, November^^ i734- To CALEB DANVERS, Efq^i Sir, H E R E is no kind of Study more ufefulto private Men, nor indeed more inftru-dlive to Perfons in the higheft Stations,than That oi ancient Eiftory j and more_ __ particularly thofe Paffages, which relate to the^Rileand Fall of Minijiers and Fa<vourites, Thefrequent Examples, which occur to us of Abufe of Powerin Thofe, who are entrufted with it, alarm the Pub-lick and put Them upon their Guard againftMen, whoare raifed above the common Level, and get the Reinsof Government into their Hands. The fame Sort of Knowledge is equally advantage-ous to .Thofe, who are thus exalted, whether by real Merit,. 48 ^he CRAFTSMAN. N*435. Meritf or by Favour and Corruption, The firjl ofThefe will find how necelTary it. is to be ilridlly watchfulover their own Minds, that They may not be depravedand intoxicated with their Authority.—The i^/ifr, ifThey have Senfe enough to make anyjuft Obfervation,will tremble at the Danger, to which They are ex-pofed. They will fee how few Men, who have beenraifed \x^0Tifuch principles^ haveefcaped the fevereRe-fentment of the People; and therefore learn from thenceto aft, (as it behoves fuch Perfons in a more particularManner to do) witli the greateft Care and Circumfpeft-ion. It is of the utmoft Confequence to all Princes andGovernors to regulate their Condu6l after the fame Mo-del. Hiftory will afford Them futhcient Inflruftion anddifcover a Truth, which They ought to carry alwaysin their Minds ; that every Reign and Adminijirationfwill prove at leaji inglorious, if not unprofperous^ inlohich any one Man is dijiinguijhed by a notorious Par-

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Keywords: ., bookauthoradamsjohn17351826formerownerbrl, initial, initialt