Female operator of two public toilets on the Arbat street in Moscow. Behind an advert about New Years Eve with half naked dancer

Female operator of two public toilets on the Arbat street in Moscow. Behind an advert about New Years Eve with half naked dancer Diana Ninov Moscow Moskau Russland Ru land Russia Osteuropa Eastern Europe Au enaufnahme outdoors Tageslicht daylight Sonnig sunny sunshiny Stadt city town urban Strasse street Stra e Arbat Toilette toilet lavatory water closetrestroom Klo bog loo Werbung advertisement advertising promotion komisch comic weird funny Blau blue Arbeit work job employment Frau woman Stuhl chair Gesch ft business und mit and c Diana Ninov fon 49 0 69 67869696 info diana ninov com http www diana ninov com

Size: 5114px × 3400px
Photo credit: © Diana Ninov / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: advert, advertisement, arbatstreet, blue, business, capitalism, chair, city, comic, daylight, employment, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, funny, grotesque, job, lavatory, moscow, northeasterneurope, outdoors, poor, russia, selfemployed, smallbusiness, street, sunny, sunshiny, toilet, town, urban, water, weird, woman, work