Several discourses preached at the Temple Church . pofes, though theMind difcerns not the Reafon from whencethey flow. There are but few Workmen,perhaps, who know the Reafon, and candemonflrate the mechanic Powers of theJnflruments they ufe; but, being pcrfecft intlie Vfe and Application of thefe Powers,fhey arc able Workmen and Mafter-buildcrs;which is all that is required of them. Inlike manner, if true Religion isfo introducedinto the Mind, as to work in the Heart ofMan, and make him upright and honeft, theEnd and Purpofe of Religion is anfwered. To aiifwer this End of Religion were thePrea

Several discourses preached at the Temple Church . pofes, though theMind difcerns not the Reafon from whencethey flow. There are but few Workmen,perhaps, who know the Reafon, and candemonflrate the mechanic Powers of theJnflruments they ufe; but, being pcrfecft intlie Vfe and Application of thefe Powers,fhey arc able Workmen and Mafter-buildcrs;which is all that is required of them. Inlike manner, if true Religion isfo introducedinto the Mind, as to work in the Heart ofMan, and make him upright and honeft, theEnd and Purpofe of Religion is anfwered. To aiifwer this End of Religion were thePreachers of the Gofpel fent into the World:The Errand was worthy of Plim who fentthem ; whofe Goodnefs and Mercy inclined hiiii 154 DISCOURSE IV. him to teacljL Men the Way to Happinefs,but not to flatter their Vanity and Pride ofKnowledge. The Dodtrines of the Gofpelare not the worfe for being Foolijhnefs to theGreeksy and a Stumbling-block to the jfews jiince they are, and on Experience appear tobe, the Power of God to Salvation to all DISCOURSE i^ p^^^ jiu^ ry^^ Ji^k, f^^ ^ ^ k)i(j^ ^MF ^.j»^ ^^/w^ k)^jM( p^ DISCOURSE IV- PART II. p5^#(5??^3^ N treating on this Subjed, Ii^w^^O^ have already obferved to you,^){( )j^^ that there are two Proporuions^^^^5 or AfTertions contained in theWords of the Text : Firft, That the World by Wifdom knewnot God. Secondly, That it pleafed God by theFooliflmefs of Preaching to fave Believers. It being allowed in general, that theWorld was grofly ignorant and fuperilitious,and unacquainted with the true Notion ofGod, and the Religion that was to be paidhim; yet it will ftill be faid, that there werefome, fomc few at lead, who had extricatedthcmfclvcs from thefe popiilj«.r Errors; wlio faw 156 DISCOURSE IV. faw and acknowledged one fupreme Being,the Caufe of all Things; who had clearand diftind Notions of Morality, and of theDuties owing from Man to Man. TheWritings of fome of thefe great Men arcftiil extant; and, if we confult onl

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Keywords: ., booksubjectchurchofengland, booksubjectsermonsenglish, bookyear1