Archangel Saint Michael trampling Satan, Lucifer, the Devil. Woodblock print 1885 edition Geschichte der Deutschen Kunst

A stunning illustration of the archangel Saint Michael from Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition trampling Satan, Lucifer, the Devil. It is in an antique illuminated manuscript style. The angel stands on Satan in the form of a dragon holding a spear aloft ready to strike. Good triumphing over evil. This is a reproduction of a late 13th Century illustration scanned and lovingly restored from an 1885 edition of Geschichte der Deutschen Kunst (German Art Illustrated) Volume 1 from the up-loaders personal archive.

Size: 3605px × 4902px
Photo credit: © Geo Images / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: angel, antique, archangel, art, artwork, battling, book, christian, christianity, color, colour, combat, design, devil, dragon, enemies, enemy, evil, fight, fighting, german, gold, good, historical, history, holding, illuminated, illustrated, illustration, image, islam, islamic, jewish, judaism, lucifer, manuscript, michael, painting, red, religion, religious, reproduction, restored, retro, saint, satan, scan, scanned, spear, st, st., strike, tradition, traditional, trampling, triumph, triumphing, wings