Men from Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense, recovering dead bodies of army officers from mass grave. The military and Fire service men are sea

A rampaged Durbar Hall bears the signs of a bloody massacre. Dhaka, Bangladesh. February 28, 2009. A mutiny by Bangladesh Rifles, BDR, soldiers broke out in their Headquarter in Pilkhana, in the morning of 25th February, 2009, making the area into almost a war zone. Several thousand shots were fired from machineguns, killing nearly 60 army officers, at the BDR Pilkhana Headquarters and several civilians near the area.

Size: 3912px × 2624px
Location: Bangladesh
Photo credit: © Shumon Ahmed / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: &, aftermath, army, asia, bangladesh, bdr, bodies, calamity, capital, catastrophe, child, city, color, colour, dead, death, debris, defiance, destruction, dhaka, disaster, drum, durbar, father, females, flag, hall, headquarters, horizontal, insubordination, insurgence, insurrection, massacre, military, murder, mutiny, night, people, pilkhana, rebellion, revolt, rifles, soldiers, son, south, town, urban