. A Rationale, or practical exposition of the Book of common-prayer. excommunicated. Cone. Tolet. 4. Can. 4. The Hymn being ended, we depart with aBleffing, Goarm Euch. p. 1^4, tells us, That ofold, when the Communion-Service was ended,and the Deacon had difmifsd the People, theywould not for all that depart, till they had the Blef-fing j by this Stay faying in Effect the fame to thePriell, that Jacob did to the Angel, JVe will notlet thee go^ unlefs thou bleffeft us. The Prieft there-fore departeth from them, as our Saviour from hisDifciples, with a Blefjing. But firft he comes downfrom the A

. A Rationale, or practical exposition of the Book of common-prayer. excommunicated. Cone. Tolet. 4. Can. 4. The Hymn being ended, we depart with aBleffing, Goarm Euch. p. 1^4, tells us, That ofold, when the Communion-Service was ended,and the Deacon had difmifsd the People, theywould not for all that depart, till they had the Blef-fing j by this Stay faying in Effect the fame to thePriell, that Jacob did to the Angel, JVe will notlet thee go^ unlefs thou bleffeft us. The Prieft there-fore departeth from them, as our Saviour from hisDifciples, with a Blefjing. But firft he comes downfrom the Altar, by this Defcending {hewing hisCondefceniion to the People in Affection as wellas in Body 5 and flands behind the Pulpit, Re-tro Ambonem, whence the BlefTing was calledlu^yj oTiff&a/ui&av©*, in the midft of the People ;in this alfo imitating our Saviour, St. there gave the Blefling or Peace of God/landing in the midft ; by the Place fhewing, howequally he flood affected to all, and how he wouldhave his Bleflings fpread upon all. ;* Of. on the Common-Prayer. 183 Of B A P T IS M. OLY Churchs Aim being in all herServices to make them reafonable, thataccording to St. Paul, i Cor. xiv. wemay all join with her in her Offices,both with our Spirit and Underftand-ing, me hath been careful, not only to put theminto a known Tongue, but alfo to inftruct us inthe Nature of them : making thus her Prayer-Book a Sum of Divinity. Therefore here in theBeginning, frie inftru&s out of holy Scriptureconcerning the Neceffity and Efficacy of Baptifm,as very briefly, fo very pithily and fully. Firft,laying down this for a Rule, that we are all bornin Sin, as it is in Rom. v. 18, ip ; all guilty inAdams Fall, (fo the Catholick Church fpreadover the World always underftood it, Cone. Mi-levitan. Can. i.) and therefore by our firft Birthhave no Right to Heaven, into which no un-clean Thing Jhall enter. Ephef. v. f. Secondly,that therefore there is Need of a iecond Birth,to give us a

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Keywords: ., bo, bookauthorsparrowanthony16121685, booksubjectchurchofengland