Lucy Sacheverell, mysterious beauty and muse to the English Cavalier poet Richard Lovelace and subject of his poems, Lucasta or Lux Casta, 1649. Lucy Schaverel. Engraved by William Faithorne, Paris, after a portrait by P. Lilly, Sir Peter Lily. Copperplate engraving from Samuel Woodburn’s Gallery of Rare Portraits Consisting of Original Plates, George Jones, 102 St Martin’s Lane, London, 1816.

Size: 4887px × 7030px
Photo credit: © Florilegius / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: ., 102, 1649, 17th, beauty, biography, casta, cavalier, celebrity, century, consisting, copperplate, dealer, english, engraving, etching, facsimile, faithorne, fictional, gallery, george, georgian, history, jones, lane, lilly, lily, london, lovelace, lucasta, lucy, lux, martin’, muse, mystery, nobility, original, paris, peter, plate, plates, poem, poet, portrait, portraits, print, rare, regency, richard, royalty, sacheverell, samuel, schaverel, sir, st, subject, william, woman, woodburn