Clerkenwell cloister. Aulcester. St James Carmelite church, Athboy 1785 print

Ancient Cloister at Clerkenwell [Fig 1. Cloister of a Nunnery at Clerkenwell, London. Fig 2. Brass monumental plate there for Isabella Sackville, the last Prioress. Fig 3. Inscription on a cross at Lanteril Major, Glamorgan. Fig 4. Monogram, for Obadiah Walker, ob 1699, in the Churchyard of St. Pancras, Middlesex. Fig 5. A Roman urn near Aulcester, Warwickshire. Fig 6. A view of the remains of a church of the Carmelites at Athloy, in Ireland. Fig 7. Seal of the Convent of Friars at Hounslow, Middlesex. Fig 8. Seal of the Official of the See of Canterbury, Kent. Fig 9. Seal of Bishop of St. Asaph. Fig 10. A merchant's monogram or mark]. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Unsigned. Provenance: "Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle", by Sylvanus Urban, Gent. London: Printed by John Nichols, for David Henry, late of St. John's Gate, and sold by Eliz. Newbery, the corner of St Paul's Churchyard, Ludgate Street . Type: Antique copperplate print. The complete original explanatory text pages will be provided with the print. . Church of St James, Athboy

Size: 2885px × 2484px
Location: Ireland
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1699, 1785, ancient, athboy, athloy, aulcester, brass, carmelite, carmelites, church, churchyard, clerkenwell, cloister, convent, cross, friars, glamorgan, hounslow, inscription, ireland, isabella, james, lanteril, london, major, middlesex, monogram, monumental, nunnery, ob, obadiah, pancras, plate, print, prioress, remains, roman, sackville, seal, st, urn, view, walker, warwickshire