VANITY FAIR SPY CARTOON Sir George Grove. Music 1891 old antique print picture

G [Sir George Grove DCL LLD]. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Spy. Provenance: "Vanity Fair, A Weekly Show of Political, Social and Literary Wares", founded by Thomas Gibson Bowles, published in London. Type: Antique chromolithograph (colour) Vanity Fair "Spy" cartoon/caricature print. GROVE Sir George DCL. LLD. Director of Royal College of Music. Born Clapham 1821. Became a Civil Engineer. Erected 1s cast-iron lighthouses in Jamaica and Bermuda. Edited Macmillan's Magazine. Interest in music developed in later life. By Spy.

Size: 5471px × 8541px
Location: Music
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1821, 1891, 19th, 1s, antique, bermuda, born, bowles, caricature, cartoon, cartoons, cast, century, chromolithograph, civil, clapham, college, colour, dcl, director, engineer, erected, fair, george, gibson, grove, iron, jamaica, lighthouses, literary, lld, london, macmillan, music, nineteenth, picture, political, print, royal, show, sir, social, spy, thomas, vanity, vintage, wares, weekly