Sermons on the following subjects ... . ^e Entrance, (^c. S erm. 7. enable thee to do every thing, neceflary tothy final fafety and happinefs. Be thereforefollicitous for thyfelf. Complain not of thecorruption of nature, but rather attempt thecure of it, and whilft the remedy is in thyhand, diligently and thankfully make ufe ofit J remembering that the recovery from it iscertain, \ithou art but determined, by the graceof God it fball be fo. And if we are buthappily reftored by the means and grace ofthe gofpel, all the difadvantages of the ori-ginal fall will, as to us, be entirely removed,and

Sermons on the following subjects ... . ^e Entrance, (^c. S erm. 7. enable thee to do every thing, neceflary tothy final fafety and happinefs. Be thereforefollicitous for thyfelf. Complain not of thecorruption of nature, but rather attempt thecure of it, and whilft the remedy is in thyhand, diligently and thankfully make ufe ofit J remembering that the recovery from it iscertain, \ithou art but determined, by the graceof God it fball be fo. And if we are buthappily reftored by the means and grace ofthe gofpel, all the difadvantages of the ori-ginal fall will, as to us, be entirely removed,and ai fin reigned unto death, even Jo grace fiallreign in righteoufnefi, unto eternal life^ throughye/us Chriji our Lord,. SERMON t 163 ] SERMON VIII. The coming of Chrift into the Worldto fave Sinners highly credible. I Ti MOT H Y i, 15. l^his is a faithful faying^ andworthy of all accep-tation^ that Jefus Chriji came into the world tofave dinners, AT the twelfth verfe of this chapter,the Apoftle fpeaks of it as a verylingular favour, and inftance of the goodnefsof Chrift to him, that he called him to theoffice of preaching and publifhing his gofpelto the world. / thank Chrift ffus cur Lordywho hath enabled me, viz. to fpread that gloriousgofpel of the blefjed God^ that was committed tomy triiji; for that he counted me faithful, puttingme into the minifry *, one worthy to be truftedwith his facred office and employment. Andhe fpeaks of this with the more wonder, upon • Ver. 12. M 2 account 164 ^hs coming of Chrijl inio the World Serm. t. account of his former character. I thankChriji who put me into the minijiry, who ivashe fere a bhfphemer^ and a perfecutor^ and injwriouSy or as the original word fign

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