. Boston, Mass. A brief description of ye ancient town, and also of the best way to get there. Together with an account of the foundation of the publick schools. Illustrated with artiftick engravings . , is plainly dif- cerned to be towards the maintenance of free fchoolmafter. It is headed by the Governor, Mr. Henry Vane, Efq., who puts , as do alfo the Dep. Gov. Mr. John Winthrop,and Mr. Richard Bellingham. Forty-two other per-fons fubfcribe according to their ability, fome fome as low as 4s., making in all about the fumof jQ^o. In 1641, the income from Deer Iflandwas approp

. Boston, Mass. A brief description of ye ancient town, and also of the best way to get there. Together with an account of the foundation of the publick schools. Illustrated with artiftick engravings . , is plainly dif- cerned to be towards the maintenance of free fchoolmafter. It is headed by the Governor, Mr. Henry Vane, Efq., who puts , as do alfo the Dep. Gov. Mr. John Winthrop,and Mr. Richard Bellingham. Forty-two other per-fons fubfcribe according to their ability, fome fome as low as 4s., making in all about the fumof jQ^o. In 1641, the income from Deer Iflandwas appropriated for the fchools ufe, and in otheryears the rents of that and other iflands weredevoted to the fame purpofe. Under date of 1645,Gov. Winthrop notes in his Journal, that diversfree fchools were erected, and obferves that, atBofton, they made an order to allow forever ^1^50per ann. for the mafter, and a houfe,—and ;^30 toan ufher, who fhould alfo teach to read, write, andcipher—and the charge was to be defrayed byyearly contributions, either by voluntary allowanceor by rate of fuch as refufed. In 1671, Mr, Ezekiel Cheever took the principalcharge of the fchool. Mr. C. had been a diftin-. The Battle of Lexington. guifhed inftructor in various parts of New Eng-land, and his reputation was not diminifhed by hiscareer in this place; under him the grammar fchoolof Bofton attained the rank of the principalfchool of the Britifh Colonies, if not in allAmerica. Several perfons have been licenfed to keep pri-vate fchools to teach children to write and keepaccounts ; but there is no reafon to fuppofe thatthere had been more than one publick fchool, priorto 1684. In April, 1683, the town voted to providetwo fchools, and to allow ;^25 per ann. for the fup-port of each, with the underftanding that fuchperfons as fend their children to the fchool, thatare able, fhould pay fomething to the mafter forhis better encouragement. The original Latin fchool-houfe was located onthe north fide

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Keywords: ., bookauthormichigan, bookcentury1900, bookdecade1900, bookyear1903