Archive image from page 59 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 UHTIS, & ASKBUTIN'S Ilumilis. Lilac and crimson. | foot Pinnatus. Pinnate-leaved, rosy-purple, and j'ellow-spotted; prettj-. 1 ft. Priestii. Pure white. 1 foot . . • Retusus. Deep rose and orange-crimson tip; fine. 1J feet Alba. White, crimson-tip; superb. 1J feet Good Mixed Fittest 3Iixed. Including all best varieties SILEXE, or CATCHFLY. Nat. Okd., CarynphyllaceoB. Among the tribe of Silenes will b

Archive image from page 59 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 UHTIS, & ASKBUTIN'S Ilumilis. Lilac and crimson. | foot Pinnatus. Pinnate-leaved, rosy-purple, and j'ellow-spotted; prettj-. 1 ft. Priestii. Pure white. 1 foot . . • Retusus. Deep rose and orange-crimson tip; fine. 1J feet Alba. White, crimson-tip; superb. 1J feet Good Mixed Fittest 3Iixed. Including all best varieties SILEXE, or CATCHFLY. Nat. Okd., CarynphyllaceoB. Among the tribe of Silenes will be found some of the brightest ornaments of the flower-garden, either in respect to brilliancy of color, or length of duration in bloom ; fine for beds, borders, or ribbons. Hardy annuails. 335 Silene Pseudo Atocion. Rosy-pink flower, with white centre; free-blooming. .05 336 Rubella. Red; from Portugal. 1 foot 05 3»T Alba. White; fine. 1 foot . . . . . . . . j06 8., NVITALIA riiOCUMBKXS (nen Goubie , SA?rVITALIA. Xat. Obd., Compositxt. Pretty dwarf-growing, frec-llowcriiig plants, suitable for small beds, rock-work, or edgings: continuing in bloom during the summer and autumn months; thriving best ni light rich soil. Hardy ainiuals. 338 Sanvitalia Procumbens. Rich brown and yellow. foot .... 339 New Double. A beautiful acquisition, with double flower, like pom- pone Chrysanthemum; very dwarf, and undoubtedly one of the finest yellow plants; suited for beds and masses. foot SPHENOGYXE. Nat. Ord., Compositm. A very showy, free-flowering plant; very effective for beds, mixed borders, edg-

Size: 1213px × 1648px
Photo credit: © Actep Burstov / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1870, 1878, archive, book, bookauthor, bookdecade, bookpublisher, booksponsor, booksubject, bookyear, boston_mass_curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticul, curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticultural_warehouse, drawing, flowers_seeds_catalogs, henry_g_gilbert_nursery_and_seed_trade_catalog_collec, historical, history, illustration, image, kitchen_gardens_catalogs, nursery_stock_massachusetts_catalogs, page, picture, print, reference, u_s_department_of_agriculture_national_agricultural_, vintage, zimmermann_a_albrecht_b_1860