James Cuthbertson, Mini Miglia, Mini Miglia Championship, BARC Championships, BritCar, Racing into the night, Brands Hatch, November 2017, rain, driz

James Cuthbertson, Mini Miglia, Mini Miglia Championship, BARC Championships, BritCar, Racing into the night, Brands Hatch, November 2017, rain, drizzle,. auto racing, cars, circuit racing, classic cars, classic event, Classic Racing Cars, competition, drizzle, England, event, Kent, motor racing, motor sport, motorracing, motorsport, MSVT, night, nostalgia, outdoors, racing, racing cars, rain, raining, retro, saloon cars, Tin Tops, vehicles, wet race, sports cars, fast cars, speed,

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Photo credit: © CJM Photography / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 2017, auto, barc, brands, britcar, cars, championship, championships, circuit, classic, competition, cuthbertson, drizzle, england, event, fast, hatch, james, kent, miglia, mini, motor, motorracing, motorsport, msvt, night, nostalgia, november, outdoors, race, racing, rain, raining, retro, saloon, se7en, speed, sport, sports, tin, tops, vehicles, wet