The works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq . paign, in regulating their number by that of the enemies forces, and hiring them of our confederates; flawing at the fame time the inconveniences we fuffer from fuch hired troops, and feveral advantages we might receive from employing thofe of our own nation. Vol IV. N n He PREFACE. IJe further recommends this augmentation of our forces, to prevent the keep-ing up a fan ding body of them in times of peace, to enable us to make an im-prejjion en the enemy in the prefent pofture of the war, and tofecure our fehesagainft a Prince, who i

The works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq . paign, in regulating their number by that of the enemies forces, and hiring them of our confederates; flawing at the fame time the inconveniences we fuffer from fuch hired troops, and feveral advantages we might receive from employing thofe of our own nation. Vol IV. N n He PREFACE. IJe further recommends this augmentation of our forces, to prevent the keep-ing up a fan ding body of them in times of peace, to enable us to make an im-prejjion en the enemy in the prefent pofture of the war, and tofecure our fehesagainft a Prince, who is now at the head of a powerful army, and has not yetdeclared himfelf In the lafl place, he anfwers by feveral confiderations thofe two popular ob-jections, That we furnijh more towards the war than the reft of the allies, andThat we are not able to contribute more than we do already. Thefe are the mojl material heads of the following EJfay, in which thereare many other fubordinate reflections that naturally grow out offo copious aJubjecl. November, THE 1 *85 ]THE Present State ^/AWar, AND THE Necejjity of an Augmentation, conjidered. TH E French are certainly the mofl implacable, and the moft dange-rous enemies of the Britijh nation. Their form of government,their religion, their jealoufy of the Britifo power, as well as theirprofecutions of commerce, and purfuits of universal Monarchy, will fix themfor ever in their animofities and averfions towards us, and make them catchat all opportunities of fubverting our conftitution, deftroying our religion,ruining our trade, and finking the figure which we make among the nationsof Europe: Not to mention the particular ties of honour that lie on theirprefent King to impofe on us a Prince, who muft prove fatal to our countryif he ever reigns over us. As we are thus in a natural ftate of war, if I may fo call it, with theFrench nation; it is our misfortune, that they are not only the moft invete-rate, but moft formidable of our e

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