. Choice emblems : natural, historical, fabulous, moral and divine, for the improvement and pastime of youth : ornamented with near fifty handsome allegorical engravings, designed on purpose for this work : with pleasing and familiar descriptions to each, in prose and verse, serving to display the beauties and morals of the ancient fabulists : the whole calculated to convey the golden lessons of instruction under a new and more delightful dress : written for the amusement of the right honorable Lord Newbattle . ngthe brute creation, Thus the Lamb for Inno-cence, the Ilorfe for Courage, the Ox

. Choice emblems : natural, historical, fabulous, moral and divine, for the improvement and pastime of youth : ornamented with near fifty handsome allegorical engravings, designed on purpose for this work : with pleasing and familiar descriptions to each, in prose and verse, serving to display the beauties and morals of the ancient fabulists : the whole calculated to convey the golden lessons of instruction under a new and more delightful dress : written for the amusement of the right honorable Lord Newbattle . ngthe brute creation, Thus the Lamb for Inno-cence, the Ilorfe for Courage, the Ox forPatience, the Serpent for Deceit, and theSvvine in the Emblem before us, for Fiercencfsand Senfuality. It is a melancholy confideration that fomemen feem to have taken pattern by this grove-ling beail, that they lead a life of gluttonyand drunkennefs, are entirely wrapped up infelf-love and lofc to every thought of charityand crood-will to their neighbours. Such men can indeed do no other good tothe world but by their deaths, when if theyha^-e any riches they may perhaps leave themto others who will make a better ufe of thofegifts than tliey have dons. There- ( I20 ) Therefore, if you would have men wlfli youlife and profperity, live in fuch a manner asto be fendceablc to fociety; for depend on itif you copy the Swines manners, you willfhare the fame fate, that none will be forryfor your misfortune, or your death, while theycan reap nothing but injury from your lifeand profperity. E M B L E M ( 121 ). E IVI B L E M xxxr. Of Precipitation-. w HAT means that rafli and heedlefschariotf^er, Down the fheep rock to urge his mad career ?Sees he not round him various danrers ^ cliffs above and yawning deeps below ?Yet down the drear)-, dreadful path he hies,i\Iadly meets ruin, and defpairing dies. So fome wild youth to paflion gives therein,And buys fhort pleafure with an age of him defu-udlion fpreads the fatal fnare,He fmks in gulphs of misry and defpair. THi ■

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Keywords: ., bookidchoiceemblemsnat00wynn, booksubjectemblems, bookyear1772