The Annunciation. Archangel Gabriel is offering a white lilly flower to Madonna announcing her being pregnant with jesus

The Annunciation. Archagnel Gabriel is offering a white lilly flower to Madonna announcing her being pregnant with jesus. annonciation, holding white flower hold Classical, annonciation, Religion, Christianity, New, Testament, Virgin, Mary, hand offer Madonna, Archangel, Gabriel, angel, lily, dove, Holy, Spirit, Life, of, Virgin aureole wings feathers pregnancy news religion christianity announce holy spirit blue

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Photo credit: © ReligiousStock / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: angel, annonciation, announce, annunciation., archangel, aureole, blue, christianity, classical, dove, feathers, flower, gabriel, hand, hold, holding, holy, life, lilly, lily, madonna, mary, news, offer, offering, pregnancy, religion, spirit, testament, virgin, white, wings