'Dominii Veneti cum ' Republic of Venice. Parma c1730 map

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Johann Christoph Homann / Homann Heirs. Provenance: The map was extracted from a composite atlas of early 18th century maps, the latest of which was dated c1754. Type: Large antique 18th century atlas map, printed on thick, good quality paper with original outline hand colour/color and decorative title cartouche. This eighteenth century map is centred on the Republic of Venice in prfesent-day north eastern Italy, with parts of the neighbouring states. It extends as far west as Crema, north into the Tyrol, east to include Istria, and further south than San Marino. Lake Garda appears centre-left.

Size: 7347px × 6273px
Location: Italy
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1730, 18th, antique, atlas, c1754, cartouche, century, christoph, color, colour, composite, cum, dominii, early, eighteenth, hand, heirs, homann, italy, johann, mantua, mantuae, map, maps, mirandol, mirandola, modena, mutinae, neighbouring, original, outline, paper, parma, parmae, printed, republic, states, statibus, thick, title, veneti, venice, vicinis, vintage