. Sermons and religious tracts of the late Reverend Philip Doddridge, 59 God, as they once were, as we once cxpeded they wouldhave been, but he hath made ^Mtb us an everlajling , and thefe are the Tokens of it. BlefTed be hisName, we hold not the Mercies of tha: Covenant by foprecarious a Tenure as the Life of any Creature : // isnjcell ordered in all Things and fure : may // be all our Sal-ivation, and all our Dejire * ; and then it is but a littlewhile, and all our Complaints will ceafe. God ^ aivay Tears from our Eyes f ; our peaceful andhappy Spirits Ihall e

. Sermons and religious tracts of the late Reverend Philip Doddridge, 59 God, as they once were, as we once cxpeded they wouldhave been, but he hath made ^Mtb us an everlajling , and thefe are the Tokens of it. BlefTed be hisName, we hold not the Mercies of tha: Covenant by foprecarious a Tenure as the Life of any Creature : // isnjcell ordered in all Things and fure : may // be all our Sal-ivation, and all our Dejire * ; and then it is but a littlewhile, and all our Complaints will ceafe. God ^ aivay Tears from our Eyes f ; our peaceful andhappy Spirits Ihall ere long meet with thofe of our Chil-dren which he hath taken to himfelf. Our Bodies fliallflcep, and ere long Ihall alfo awake, and arife withtheirs. Death, that inexorable Deftroyer, pall be fival-Lnjjed up in PlFioryX, while we and ours furround theThrone with everlafting Hallelujahs, and own, with an-other Evidence than we can now perceive, with anotherSpirit than we can now exprefs, that All i>jas * aSatr. xxiii. 5. -f Rev, xxi, 4. \ 54,. v^S^ f 2 THE THE TEMPER andCONDUCT O F THE Primitive Ministers OF THE GOSPEL, Illuflrated and recommended: IN A SERMON Preached at JVIS B E A C H, June S, 1737, AT THE ORDINATION OF THE Rev. Mr. WILLIAM JOHNSTON. F 3 2C0R. [ 103 ] 2 Cor. IV. 5. For we preach not curfehes, hut Chrijl Jefiisthe Lord \ and ourjelves your Servants forJefus fake. ^5^^^^HE Apoftle obferves, \i\izt i>:hat had bap-^KW\ ^l^^ pentd to hbn with Regard to his Imprifon-? ment at Rome, tho it feemed to bear fo^^..^^ melancholy an Afpeft, yet did on theh^^ whole fall out by the ipecial Providenceof God/or the Furtherance of the GoJ^el * ;and we may juftly apply the fame Reflexion to feveralother very afflictive Circumftances of hii Life, and par-ticularly to the mod perverfe and unjuft Oppofitionwhich he met with from thofe faftious Teachers, efpe-cially 0/the Circunuifc)!, Vvho gave fo much Difturbanceto him and the Churches, The Attack w

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