Isle of Wight, Hampshire, UK Sunday 3 June 2012. Jubilee celebrations at Osborne House. Young boy waving Union Jack flag on balcony waiting for Queen Victoria to appear

Only 2 Monarchs have celebrated a Diamond Jubilee, our current monarch Queen Elizabeth II and her great great grandmother Queen Victoria. The achievement of these remarkable women is celebrated on Jubilee weekend at Osborne House with a colourful festival at Victoria's island home. Overseeing proceedings will be Queen Victoria herself - Victoria Queen of England and Ruler of the British Empire.

Size: 3378px × 5067px
Location: East Cowes, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England UK
Photo credit: © Carolyn Jenkins News / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 2012, architecture, balcony, balustrade, boy, britain, british, building, celebrations, child, cowes, diamond, england, english, europe, european, exterior, great, hampshire, hants, holding, house, iow, isle, isles, jack, jubilee, june, kingdom, lad, osborne, osbourne, outdoors, uk, union, united, vertical, waiting, waving, wight, woman, young