The world displayed : or, A curious collection of voyages and travels . e I went to the flatues, which I iliallcall the coloffal ftatues of Memnon -, but the Sheikkurried me from thence, faying he was near his ene-mies ; I however went to them again early in the morn-ing, and fpent above half a day at them. Thefe colof-fal figures fiont the Nile. The firft feems to reprelenta man, and the other a Vv^oman: they are both ofthe fame fize, and that is prodigious; for they are 50feet in height, from the bafes of thepedeflals to the fum-mit of the head. They are fitting upon flones almoflcubical^ of
The world displayed : or, A curious collection of voyages and travels . e I went to the flatues, which I iliallcall the coloffal ftatues of Memnon -, but the Sheikkurried me from thence, faying he was near his ene-mies ; I however went to them again early in the morn-ing, and fpent above half a day at them. Thefe colof-fal figures fiont the Nile. The firft feems to reprelenta man, and the other a Vv^oman: they are both ofthe fame fize, and that is prodigious; for they are 50feet in height, from the bafes of thepedeflals to the fum-mit of the head. They are fitting upon flones almoflcubical^ of 15 feet in height, and as many in breadth;but the back part of each ftone is higher than the forepart, by a foot and a half They are on plain pedef-t?.ls, five feet high.] The ftatue to the north has beenbroken ofi^ at the middle, and has been built up withfive tier of flones; but the other is of one fingle ftone:the feet have the toes broken off, and the featuresare mouldered away by time. The fides of the featsupon which they arc fitting, are covered with hierp^ ^. THROUGH EGYPT. 77 c-lyphical figures j on the pedcdal of the imperfect fla-tue is a Greek epigram j and on the iniieps and legsare feveral infcriptions in Greek and Latin, Ibme beingepigrams in honour ofMemnon ; but the greater partare teilimonies of thofe who have heard his found : forone of them has been thought by fome to be the famousftatue of Memnon, which at the hrft or fecond hour,they pretend, uttered a found occafioned by the rays ofthe fun ftriking on it. At a fmali diilance from thefe fliatues are the ruinsof feveral others, particularly one of yellow ; entire, and twelve feet long from the top of thehead to the thigh ; and part of it is funk in the on to the hills I obferved an area cut out of therock, and many ftones lying about it covered with hie-roglyphics; this feems to be apartof the grand tem^ple,to which thefe ftatues probably formed an avenue fromthe o;reat. ones. We
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