Kuna gallery and shop souvenirs in Panama City Casco Viejo kuna indian traditional handicraft items sellers by kuna tribe. Old

Kuna gallery and shop souvenirs in Panama City Casco Viejo kuna indian traditional handicraft items sellers by kuna tribe. Old Quarter, Panama City, Republic of Panama, Central America. In Balboa, on Avenida Arnulfo Arias Madrid and Amador, is a small YMCA Handicrafts Market, with mostly Kuna and Emberá indigenous arts and crafts, and clothing. Old Artesanal YMCA Go for: native handicrafts, molas bags, shirts, glasses cases, and pot holders, embroidered blouses, jewellery, hand-woven hats, work by Emberá and Wounaan Indians of the Darién province. Address : Av. Arnulfo Arias and Av. Amador, Balboa, Panama City, Panama

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Photo credit: © Sergi Reboredo / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

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