. Antichrist the pope of Rome : or, the pope of Rome is Antichrist. wee vfe to fpeake in fchooles, for all thefaLe Prophets,and Seducers, which iliall authorife end vp-hold the dodrine of Antichritt;){hall bcecait aliue into theLake of fire andbrimftone, there to bee tormented day andnight for cuernioic. And the refiduc ofhis followers fhall beflaine with the fvvord of the mouth of him that was mountedvpon a horfc: that is to fay by this fentence, Coeye cur fed /zr*,pronounced by the mouth of the Son ofGod,reprefented by Saint John as a Monarch triumphing in iudge-ment ouer al

. Antichrist the pope of Rome : or, the pope of Rome is Antichrist. wee vfe to fpeake in fchooles, for all thefaLe Prophets,and Seducers, which iliall authorife end vp-hold the dodrine of Antichritt;){hall bcecait aliue into theLake of fire andbrimftone, there to bee tormented day andnight for cuernioic. And the refiduc ofhis followers fhall beflaine with the fvvord of the mouth of him that was mountedvpon a horfc: that is to fay by this fentence, Coeye cur fed /zr*,pronounced by the mouth of the Son ofGod,reprefented by Saint John as a Monarch triumphing in iudge-ment ouer all his enemies. Imightadde heere many odier qualities by which the fonne of perdition is marked out in holy Scripture, and alfo amplifiethofe which are recited. But I fuppoie that the matters fore fpccifled, being out of all controucrfic amongft fpirits not contend-. ous,are fufRcient to make this beaft to be kno wne to the craw,and to lead vs by his footftcpg vnto his den. The 10 The Application tf About » About « The Second Treat The Application of the definition ofAnticbriJt tothe Pope of Rome. His is a Maximc rcceyucd of all, that whenthe definition and properties of any thingbelong to a Subie6t,then the name alfo^ andall that is thereby fignified belongeth to thefame Subiecl:. So that if. Wee make knownethat all that which wee haue reported out of holy Scriptureconcerning Antichrift, do properly and Angularly agree tothe Pope of Rome; no man can deny, but that he is proper-ly diat Antichrift, whofe communion wee ought with allour heart to dcteft, at leaft if we defire to be rcccyued intothe communion of Iefus Chrift. But when we fay that the Pope is Antichrift, and thatRome is his feate, we doe not meane that all thole that haucbene Bifhops of Home fincetheApoftlcs times haue beneAntichrifts: wc would in no cafe wrong thofcholie Lightswhich haue fliincd bright ink in the primitiuc Ages, whenthis Church was fet forth vnto others, as a rare ex

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Keywords: ., booksubjec, booksubjectpuritans, bookyear1625, initial, initialt