Instano . od in work, goodin play! The class wishes her success whenshe goes away. ALLEX Smilcx Regular lohnstoun Johnstown High School Y. VV. C. A.; Erodelphian;Pygmalian and Galatea. Helen is a living example of tin- saving,Good goods are done up in small hair, hluer eyes, cheer-ier smile, and a bigger heart — such a lot of composite (lua!ties can seldom he found in so small a per; MARGARET E. ALEHOUSE Miihic Regular Falls Creik DuRois High SchoolY. W. C. A.; W. A. A.; Huyghenian. Midges famous smile goes a long \va>toward helping her make friends (especiall_\wit
Instano . od in work, goodin play! The class wishes her success whenshe goes away. ALLEX Smilcx Regular lohnstoun Johnstown High School Y. VV. C. A.; Erodelphian;Pygmalian and Galatea. Helen is a living example of tin- saving,Good goods are done up in small hair, hluer eyes, cheer-ier smile, and a bigger heart — such a lot of composite (lua!ties can seldom he found in so small a per; MARGARET E. ALEHOUSE Miihic Regular Falls Creik DuRois High SchoolY. W. C. A.; W. A. A.; Huyghenian. Midges famous smile goes a long \va>toward helping her make friends (especiall_\with the opposite sex). We know it will hellher to make a success in her teaching career unless it captivates one to the o s. .. before her career begins. FRANCES ALTEMUS ?/•?n;;;y Regular Johnstown Johnstown High SclioolErodelphian. .Mthough Fan is a great talker, she alwayshas an audience, because she always has some-thing to say. Her dark eyes that speak to somewhat of an attraction, -44— I 1922 ^ -*- (Sll}t l[nstann ?in- ?*? IndianaState Normal 1
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Photo credit: © The Reading Room / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookauthorindianas, bookcentury1900, bookdecade1920, bookyear1922