Norway lake near Masi midnight sun boy throwing pebble

The boy is wearing protective mosquito net on his face. Taken with Midnight Sun glowing gloomy light, in the middle of the night time: between 00:00 and 02:00am. Taken on high resolution slide film.

Size: 5346px × 3492px
Location: Norway Europe Scandinavia
Photo credit: © Andrzej Gorzkowski Commercial / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: Yes

Keywords: 10, againts, boy, camping, canar, child, duck, face, fun, gloomy, glow, glowing, gnat, gnats, head, hoax, lake, masi, midge, midges, midnight, mosquito, mosquitos, net, night, pebble, pebbles, protected, protection, protective, splash, splashing, sun, sunset, throw, throwing, water, wild, years