Steam power plants, their design and construction . nd also serve to secure it in place more strongly as themortar works into them when the brick is laid. The radial brickthat have been used to a considerable extent by the Custodis andHeinicke companies in Germany are much stronger and more dur-able than common brick. Another feature in their favor is thatthey are considerably larger than common brick and less laboris required in laying them. Masonry Chimney Foundations.—These should be of such anarea that the load per square foot does not exceed one ton persquare foot on soft clay; two tons p

Steam power plants, their design and construction . nd also serve to secure it in place more strongly as themortar works into them when the brick is laid. The radial brickthat have been used to a considerable extent by the Custodis andHeinicke companies in Germany are much stronger and more dur-able than common brick. Another feature in their favor is thatthey are considerably larger than common brick and less laboris required in laying them. Masonry Chimney Foundations.—These should be of such anarea that the load per square foot does not exceed one ton persquare foot on soft clay; two tons per square foot on stiff clay,compact sand, loam, etc. These loads are exceeded in buildingsbut they should not be in chimneys unless solid rock underlies thefoundation. The rock should be dressed off into steps with ver-tical sides so there will be no tendency to slide. With very largemasonry chimneys and in fact with chimneys of moderate size insoil of low bearing power, pile foundations are frequently re- STEAM. POWER PLANTS. 143 kjwishd Stzet. Vertical Bars kTwlsiz(fStzzl. [/Zr-fical Bars ^Twisied Steel. Rings of ^Tivisfzcl 5tzzl Bars. Rings ofl^^Twjsfed Sfzel Bars l3^ Half Section,, Twisted Steel Elevation. Half Plan of Footingshowing Piling. Figure 59.—Ransome Concrete-Steel Chimney^ Central Lard 4 Steel Plan of Footingshowing Steel. TIN iwimfiw «COO*l> Co., Hoboken, N. J. 144 STEAM POWER PLANTS. sorted to, the piles being driven on about 23^ foot centers and cutoff below the level of surface water; they support a concrete bedtwo or more feet in thickness into which their tops extend. Con-crete or brick foundations laid in cement mortar should be laidseveral weeks before the chimney is constructed in order that thecement should set properly. The sides of the foundations whichare usually in the form of a truncated pyramid should have aninclination of at least 60 degrees to the horizontal. The depth ofthe foundation sho

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Keywords: ., book, bookcentury1900, bookdecade1900, bookpublishernewyorkmcgraw