Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879), British photographer. Born Julia Margaret Pattle in Calcutta, India, she married in 1838. Cameron started photogra

Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879), British photographer. Born Julia Margaret Pattle in Calcutta, India, she married in 1838. Cameron started photography in 1863 at the age of 48 after her daughter gave her a camera as a present. She soon joined the Photographic Society of London, and was a member until she died. Many of her portraits are the only existing photographs of historical figures. This albumen silver print is from a photograph taken in 1874 at Freshwater on the Isle of Wight, by her youngest son Henry Herschel Hay Cameron (1852-1911) who was also a photographer. Julia Margaret Cameron and her husband moved to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) the following year, where she died of a chill aged 63.

Size: 3226px × 3848px
Photo credit: © THE GETTY/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

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