Willies Jeep World war 2 Transport Utility American Military Transport. Cambridge war memorial Willies jeep

The jeep was produced in response to a 1940 tender request for an initial 70 vehicles by the US Army Quartermaster corps. The companies tendering were required to produce a prototype four wheel drive quarter ton payload vehicle weighing less than 1300 pounds within an incredible 49 days. The American Bantam Car and Willys Overland Inc were the only two of the 135 invited companies to respond and 47 days after tendering, Bantam delivered their prototype to the army for testing. Willys in the meantime had requested an extension to 120 days due to delivery issues with axle parts and thus, along with observers from Ford, had a golden opportunity to view the early testing of the Bantam. Cambridge war memorial

Size: 5200px × 3467px
Photo credit: © Steve Welsh / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1/4, 2, 4, 1940, alteraine, american, army, brass, cambridge, car, craft, detail, etched, fine, infinete, jeep, jeep., landrover, memorial, military, open, plaque, reproduction., soft, steering, ton., top, , transport, transport., truck, tyres, uk, utility, vehicle, , war, wheel, willys, work., world