Prendergast Vale College, London, United Kingdom. Architect: HKR Architects, 2012. Victorian green glazed tiles in old school co

This highly regarded and successful college in Lewisham was commissioned by Lewisham Council. The architects, HKR restored the original listed, Victorian school building and added new class rooms, an infants school, drama and sports facilities.

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Photo credit: © Peter Cook-VIEW / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1, 2012, 21st, adult, architects, architecture, atmospheric, build, century, college, corridor, day, education, elmira, europe, glazed, green, hkr, image, interior, kingdom, listed, london, parquet, person, prendergast, restoration, school, se13, series, street, sunlit, tiles, united, vale, victorian, view