Rugby School from the Close in the summer of 1808. Warwickshire 1809 old print

[View of the] Rugby School in the Summer of 1808, seen from the School-Close, [Warwickshire]. Artist/engraver/cartographer: J. Basire sc. Provenance: "Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle", by Sylvanus Urban, Gent. London: Printed by John Nichols and Son at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street and sold by J. Harris (Successor to Mrs. Newbery, the corner of St Paul's Churchyard, Ludgate Street . Type: Antique copperplate print. The complete original explanatory text pages will be provided with the print.

Size: 2152px × 1346px
Location: Warwickshire
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1808, 1809, 19th, antique, basire, century, chronicle, churchyard, cicero, close, complete, copperplate, corner, education, explanatory, fleet, gent, gentleman, harris, head, historical, john, lion, london, ludgate, magazine, newbery, nichols, nineteenth, original, pages, passage, paul, print, printed, red, rugby, school, son, st, street, successor, summer, sylvanus, text, urban, view, vintage, warwickshire