The history of the League. . isSucceflburs, yet without prejudice towhat iliou d be ordain d by the threeMates y and to reftore the Kingdomto its original Liberties* which it en-joyd under the Reign ofClovis. At the firft there were found fewPerfons of Quality , and fubftantialCitizens of Paris, who woud ventureto fubfcribe to that Aflbeiation, be-caufe it was hot preeifely known, whowoud dare to declare himfelf the Headof it: befides,vthat by the vigilanceof the firft: Prefident Chriftopher deThouy it was firft difeoverd, then dif-fipated, and at kft diiTolvd with eafe,with all thofe fecret A

The history of the League. . isSucceflburs, yet without prejudice towhat iliou d be ordain d by the threeMates y and to reftore the Kingdomto its original Liberties* which it en-joyd under the Reign ofClovis. At the firft there were found fewPerfons of Quality , and fubftantialCitizens of Paris, who woud ventureto fubfcribe to that Aflbeiation, be-caufe it was hot preeifely known, whowoud dare to declare himfelf the Headof it: befides,vthat by the vigilanceof the firft: Prefident Chriftopher deThouy it was firft difeoverd, then dif-fipated, and at kft diiTolvd with eafe,with all thofe fecret Affemblies, whichwere already held in feveral quartersof the Town for entring fuch perfonsinto that infant League, whom eithertheir Malice, their falfe Zeal, or theirSimplicity cou d ingage. But the DukeofGuzJe haying fent his projed: to theSieur d* Humieres, 6f whom he heldhimfelf aflurd, that Lord, (who be-fides his obligation to the Houfe ofGuife, had alio his particular intereflyfind that of no iefs Confequence than 0 the. The Hiflory of the League. the maintaining himfelf in his Govern-ment of Feronne; which was takenfrom him by the Edid: of May, and thatimportant place, ordered to be put intothe hands of the Prince of Conde^) ma-naged the affair fo well, by the credithe had in that Province, that, as theTicards have always been zealous forthe ancient Religion, he ingagd almoft;all the Towns, and all the Nobilityof Ticardy to declare openly, that theywoud not receive the Prince ofConde,becaufe as it was urgd m the Manifeft oywhich was publifhd to juftifie theirrefufal of him, that they certainlyknew he was refolvd to abolifli the Ca-tholique Faith, and ejftabliili Cahinifmthroughout all Pkardj. Tis mod certain that they woudnever be indued to receive that Princeinto Teronne, or any other part of thatGovernment; and that to maintainthemfelves againfl all thofe who woudundertake to oblige them by force, toobfervethat Article of the Peace, whichthey never woud accept, the Tica

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Keywords: ., boo, bookdecade1680, booksubjectsainteligue15761593, bookyear1684