Boffo Building Fashion, New York, United States. Architect: Easton Combs Architects, 2011. Digital fabrication, computational sc

Collaboration with clothing designer Ohne Titel for the Boffo Building Fashion project. EASTON+COMBS is an award winning, internationally recognized architectural office that operates as a laboratory for innovative building strategies at the intersection of material practice and applied architectural research. EASTON+COMBS approaches the production of architecture as a context for exploration of environments and the development of new spatial typologies towards critical models of social and cultural production at the scale of architecture and urbanism.

Size: 5017px × 3345px
Photo credit: © Amy Barkow-VIEW / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: +, 2011, 21st, 57, abstract, america, architects, architecture, boffo, building, century, close-, clothes, clothing, coat, colorful, colourful, combs, computational, coombs, design, detail, digital, display, easton, fabrication, fashion, image, interior, metal, mirror, modular, north, ny, ohne, powder, property, rack, red, released, scripting, series, shop, states, street, system, titel, united, walker, wall, york