Archive image from page 111 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 'I i gUHTIS. OBB & ASKBUKN'S {he extremities of each scape like the concentric spokes of a wheel. Half-hardy annual. 876 ChlorLs Radiata. From East India. 1 foot CHRYSURUS. Nat. Oed., Gramineas. Very pretty ornamental grass, suitable for dried bouquets. Hardy annuaL 877 Chrysurus Aureus. From Levant, i foot COIX. Nat. Ord., Graminece. 878 Coix Lachryma (Job's Tears). A very curious ornamental grass

Archive image from page 111 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 'I i gUHTIS. OBB & ASKBUKN'S {he extremities of each scape like the concentric spokes of a wheel. Half-hardy annual. 876 ChlorLs Radiata. From East India. 1 foot CHRYSURUS. Nat. Oed., Gramineas. Very pretty ornamental grass, suitable for dried bouquets. Hardy annuaL 877 Chrysurus Aureus. From Levant, i foot COIX. Nat. Ord., Graminece. 878 Coix Lachryma (Job's Tears). A very curious ornamental grass, having seeda which have the appearance of large tears; from East Indies . . . ERAGROSTIS. Nat. Ord., Graminea. Ornamental grasses; suitable for winter bouquets. 879 Eragrostis Elegans (Love-grass). From South of Europe .... .05 .05 .06 880 Cyllndrlfolia. From China ERIANTHUS. Nat. Okd., Graminea. 881 Eriahthus Ravennae. This is a bold-looking, reed-like grass, from four to six feet high, with a fine foliage, resembling much in appearance the Pampas grass; rare. Half-hardy perennial; from south of Europe 10 ELEUSINE. Nat. Ord., Graminea. Ornamental grasses ; light and graceful. 882 Eleuslne Coracana. From East Indies 10 883 Indicum. From East Indies . . .10 GYNERIUM (Famp.\s Grass). Nat. Ord., Graminea. 884 Gynerium Argentenm. This is, without exception, the most stately growing species of grass known. In stature it rivals the Bamboo, attaining, in its native plams (South America), from ten to fifteen feet in heigtit. In northern latitudes, it should be protected in winter by removing to the cel- lar or cold frame. Half-hardy perennial See cut p. ''9 10 HORDEUM. Nat. Obd., Graminea. 885 Hordeam Jubatnm. A fine new ornamental grass 10 IMPERIATA. Nat. Graminea. A magnificent, hardy grass, quite recently introduced from Amoor, with grace- ful curved foliage, forming a fine bush about three feet higli, throwing out numer- ous flower-spikes about five feet in height,

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Photo credit: © Bookive / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1800, 1870, 1878, americana, archive, biodiversity, book, bookauthor, bookcentury, bookcollection, bookcontributor, bookdecade, bookpublisher, booksubject, bookyear, boston_mass_curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticul, curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticultural_warehouse, drawing, fedlink, flowers_seeds_catalogs, henry_g_gilbert_nursery_and_seed_trade_catalog_collec, historical, history, illustration, image, kitchen_gardens_catalogs, nursery_stock_massachusetts_catalogs, page, picture, print, reference, u_s_department_of_agriculture_national_agricultu, usda_nurseryandseedcatalog, usdanationalagriculturallibrary, vintage