. A new display of the beauties of England; : or A description of the most elegant or magnificent public edifices, royal palaces, noblemen's and gentlemen's seats, and other curiosities, natural or artificial .. . n the fire raged fo violently, thai few of thepeople faved any of their goods ; and the fmall pox being muchhere it the fame time, many of the fick were carried from theflames into the fields, where they died. The town has howeverteen fince rebuilt more beautifully. Its chief manufacture for-merly was band firings, and afterwards ftraw hats and bone lace,but row malt and cloth. The t

. A new display of the beauties of England; : or A description of the most elegant or magnificent public edifices, royal palaces, noblemen's and gentlemen's seats, and other curiosities, natural or artificial .. . n the fire raged fo violently, thai few of thepeople faved any of their goods ; and the fmall pox being muchhere it the fame time, many of the fick were carried from theflames into the fields, where they died. The town has howeverteen fince rebuilt more beautifully. Its chief manufacture for-merly was band firings, and afterwards ftraw hats and bone lace,but row malt and cloth. The town is much frequented by thegentry who have feats upon pleafant downs, extending from thisplace t3 Dorchefter, and called Burford Downs. Here is apiidge over the Stour. Sherborne is 117 miles from London. It is a place ofgreat antiquity, for it was of confiderable note in the time of theSaxc ns. It derives its name from the Saxon Seine, i. e. clear, orpure, and bunn> a fpring, or fountain. Ah epifcopal fee wasfixed here in the year 704, by Ina, King of the Weft Saxons;in which, there fat twenty-five bifhops fucceflively, till the~ele-venth fentury, when after being united with the bifhopric of Sunning,. THE BEAUTIES OF ENGLAND, 33i Sunning, the fee was removed from hence firft to Wilton, andafterwards to Old Sarum, and Salifbury : whereupon this countywas made part of that diocefe, till Henry VIII. erected a newfee at Briftol, to which diocefe it has belonged ever fince. Soonafter the tranflation of the fee, the cathedral was converted intoan abbey j and being a magnificent edifice, was fo much prizedby the inhabitants of the town, that at the diflblution of themonafteries, they bought it for their parifti church j and it isfaid that they pulled down three churches and four chapels aboutthe town, to fave this. Sherborne church is, indeed, a venerableregular Gothic ftru£ture, and adorned with excellent workman-ihip both within and without, and is fcarcely furpafied by anypa

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Photo credit: © Reading Room 2020 / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookcentury1700, bookidnewdisplayo, booksubjecthistoricbuildings