. Choice emblems : natural, historical, fabulous, moral and divine, for the improvement and pastime of youth : ornamented with near fifty handsome allegorical engravings, designed on purpose for this work : with pleasing and familiar descriptions to each, in prose and verse, serving to display the beauties and morals of the ancient fabulists : the whole calculated to convey the golden lessons of instruction under a new and more delightful dress : written for the amusement of the right honorable Lord Newbattle . pro-tedion : How vain are his defigns!—Theyare rcfolvcd not to fharc in his misfort

. Choice emblems : natural, historical, fabulous, moral and divine, for the improvement and pastime of youth : ornamented with near fifty handsome allegorical engravings, designed on purpose for this work : with pleasing and familiar descriptions to each, in prose and verse, serving to display the beauties and morals of the ancient fabulists : the whole calculated to convey the golden lessons of instruction under a new and more delightful dress : written for the amusement of the right honorable Lord Newbattle . pro-tedion : How vain are his defigns!—Theyare rcfolvcd not to fharc in his fiy, and teach him too late how littlehe has to hope from their kindnefs—He falls—and the confequence is that among all thefe,every one in his turn experiences the fametreatment from his fellow. Jufl fo it fares with thofe friendihips wliichare founded only upon intereil, which ha\eneither piety, virtue, nor mutual benevolencefor their bafis—In profperity, thefe willbe ever ready at your command, either be-caufe you do not want them, or becaufe theyknow you will overpay their the fcene to adverfity, and theychange with it—-They defert you—you will^nd no Ihelter with them, but, like the deer inthe fable, each will Ihift for himfelf and leaAeyou to your fate. Be careful then how you chufe a friend,which is the greatell: of all earthly acquifitions;and above all things remember, that canbe no real friendfliip • which is foundedmerely upon intereft. EMBLEM ( 8i ). E U B L E IVI Education. SE E in what evil plight yon Vine ap-pears,Nor fpreading leaves, nor purple clufiers bears ;£ut if around the elm her arms fhe by fome friendly prop fupported fhall the ftem be clad with foliage clufierd grapes beneath the leaves be feen. Thus prudent care mufi rear the youthfulmindBy love fupported, and with toil refind :Tis thus alone the human plant can rife,Unproppd, it droops, and unfupported, dies. E c THE THE

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Keywords: ., bookidchoiceemblemsnat00wynn, booksubjectemblems, bookyear1772