The Battle of Chiari September the 1, 1701. Lombardy 1736 old antique print

The Battle of Chiari September the 1, 1701. Artist/engraver/cartographer: A Benoist, inv C Du Bosc Fecit. Provenance: "The Military History of the Late Prince Eugene of Savoy and the Late John Duke of Marlborough &c. Volume I", by Claude du Bosc, London, printed by James Bettenham for Claude du Bosc, engraver at the Golden Head in Charles Street, Covent Garden MDCCXXXVI. Type: Antique 18th century copperplate print.

Size: 3247px × 4342px
Location: Italy
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1701, 1736, 18th, antique, battle, benoist, bettenham, bosc, century, charles, chiari, claude, copperplate, covent, duke, eighteenth, engraver, eugene, fecit, garden, golden, head, history, inv, italy, james, john, late, lombardy, london, marlborough, mdccxxxvi, militaria, military, prince, print, printed, savoy, september, street, vintage, volume