Sacramento from the dome of the Capitol. California, antique print 1895

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Unsigned. Provenance: "Un Voyage a travers l'Amerique"; Introduction by M. Paul Bourget; Published by Greig et Cie, Paris. Type: Antique photographic halftone book plate. There is descriptive text in French printed below the image.

Size: 2945px × 2358px
Location: California
Photo credit: © Unknown / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1895, 19th, amerique, antique, book, bourget, california, californie, capitol, capitole, century, cie, descriptive, dome, french, greig, halftone, introduction, nineteenth, paris, paul, photographic, plate, print, printed, sacramento, text, towns, travers, vintage, voyage, vu, ô