The history of the League. . lovd and adord by the people,worfhip d by the Parisians, followedby the Nobility, indeard to the Sol-diers, having in his Interefts all thePrinces of his Family , powerfull inOffices and Governments, the multi-tude of his Creatures, whom his owngenerofity, and that of his Father ,had acquird himj the favour of thePope, the affiftance of the Spaniard^ready at hand to bear him up, and a-bove all the feeming Juftice of hiscaufe,which he induftrioufiy made knownto all the world, to be that of Religionalone, whereof, in the general opini-on, he was the Protedtour and th

The history of the League. . lovd and adord by the people,worfhip d by the Parisians, followedby the Nobility, indeard to the Sol-diers, having in his Interefts all thePrinces of his Family , powerfull inOffices and Governments, the multi-tude of his Creatures, whom his owngenerofity, and that of his Father ,had acquird himj the favour of thePope, the affiftance of the Spaniard^ready at hand to bear him up, and a-bove all the feeming Juftice of hiscaufe,which he induftrioufiy made knownto all the world, to be that of Religionalone, whereof, in the general opini-on, he was the Protedtour and the Pil-lar j and for the maintenance of whichit was believd, that he had devotedhimfelf againft the Huguenots, whohad enterprizd to abolilh it in theKingdom. But the laft motive whichfixd his relblution , was the ex-treme rancour he had againft the King,one of whofe intimate Confidents hehad been formerly, and who had nowabandond him, by changing on thefudden the whole manner of his Con-dud, and giving himfelf entirely up to. The Hiftory of the League. to his Minions ^ who omitted no oc*cafion of ufing the Duke unworthily:For difdain, which is capable of hur-rying to the laft extremities the grea-teft Souls, and the mbft fenfible inpoint of Honour, made hatred to fuc-ceed his firft inclinations againfl himwhom already he defpis d; and hatredand contempt being joyn d with Am-bition, inceffantly puihd him for-wards, to makehimlelf the head of aParty fo powerfull as that of theLeague, which pafsd for Holy in theminds of the people, and to avail hin>felf of fo fair an opportunity to formit. For this effed, he immediately eausda proje£t to be formally drawn, whichhis Emifiaries fhoud endeavour tofpread about the Kingdom amongftthofe Catholiques who appear d themofl zealous and moft fimple i andthofe who were known to be the molladdi&ed to the Houfe of Guife: inthis Breviate which they were obligdto fubfcribe, they promised by Oath,to obey him who fhoud be elededhead of that holy

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Keywords: ., boo, bookdecade1680, booksubjectsainteligue15761593, bookyear1684