PHILADELPHIA Tacony Holmesburg. Disston Cottman 1929 old map

Part of 41st Ward. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Bromley and Co., civil engineers. Provenance: "Atlas of the City of Philadelphia. 23rd & 41st Wards. From Actual Surveys and Official Plans" published by Bromley and Co. 147 N. Fifth St. Philadelphia. Type: Large folio linen-backed antique fire insurance map. This map was prepared for fire insurance purposes by the civil engineering firm GW Bromley. The map shows part of the Tacony & Holmesburg suburbs of the city of Philadelphia. The map includes all or part of the following: Delaware River, Keystone Yacht Club, Princeton Street, Disston Street, Disston Park, Tacony Station, St. Vincent Street, St. Vincent Orphan Asylum, Cottman Street, Bleigh Street, State Road

Size: 9350px × 6578px
Location: Pennsylvania
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1929, 20th, 23rd, 41st, actual, antique, atlas, backed, bromley, century, city, civil, cottman, disston, engineering, engineers, fire, firm, folio, holmesburg, insurance, linen, map, official, part, pennsylvania, philadelphia, plans, plate, princeton, purposes, st, suburbs, surveys, tacony, twentieth, vintage, ward, wards