The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians . cy againfl: his life andcrown, by which Ihe fo much incenfed him againfthis own fon, that he caufed him to be imprilbnedand put to death. Lyfandra and her children, withher brother Ceraunus, and Alexander, another fonof Lyfimachus, took fandtuary in the court of Seleu-cus, and prevailed upon him to declare war againftLyfimachus. Several of the principal officers of thisprince, and even thofe who had been moft devoted tohis intereft, were ftruck with fo much horror at the

The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians . cy againfl: his life andcrown, by which Ihe fo much incenfed him againfthis own fon, that he caufed him to be imprilbnedand put to death. Lyfandra and her children, withher brother Ceraunus, and Alexander, another fonof Lyfimachus, took fandtuary in the court of Seleu-cus, and prevailed upon him to declare war againftLyfimachus. Several of the principal officers of thisprince, and even thofe who had been moft devoted tohis intereft, were ftruck with fo much horror at themurder of his fon, that they entirely abandoned him,and retired to the court of Seleucus, where theyftrengthened the remonftrances of Lyfandra by theirown complaints. Seleucus was eafily induced to un-dertake this war, for which he was already fufficientlydifpofed, by views of intereft. (d) Before he engaged in this enterprize, he refign- ed (c) Juftin. 1. xvij. c. i. Appian. in Syriac. Paufaii. in Attic, p. i8.(i) Plut. in Demetr, p. 906, 907. Appian, io Syr. p. iz6—1»8. ^ One. ^^./S/. VX, /t*^ay^ /^-,yUle. ,. .^^.-^..v AWTIO CHUS a?/,/ STIi^\.TOy^ICE. ALEXANDERS SUCCESSORS. 30^ ed his queen Stratonice to his fon Antiochus, for areafon I ihall foon relate -, and configned to him, atthe lame time, a confiderable part of his empire, re-fervinjg to himfelf no other territories but the pro-vinces between the Euphrates and the fea. Antiochus was feized with a lingering diftemper,of which the phyficians were incapable of difcover-ing the caufe; for which reafon his condition waithought entirely defperate. It is eafy to conceive theinquietude of a father who beheld himfelf on the pointof lolin^ his fon in the flower of his age •, whom hehad intended for his fuccelTor in his vaft dominions,and in whom all the happinefs of his life conliftediErafillratus, the moft attentive and fkilful of all thephyficians, having carefully confidered every fymptomwith which the indif

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