Flower Clock in in Okazaki Castle, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Created in 1960, moved by a direct current motor of 1/10 horse power

Saigo Tsugiyori built Okazaki-jo in 1455. Matsudaira Kiyoyasu captured the castle in 1524 and his famous grandson Matsudaira Motoyasu was born here on December 16, 1542. Motoyasu would later change his name to Tokugawa Ieyasu. Ieyasu succeeded to lord of the castle in 1560 and left his eldest son Nobuyasu in charge when he moved to Hamamatsu -jo in 1570. Nobuyasu left the castle to the Tanaka clan when the Tokugawa moved to Edo (Tokyo) in 1590. Later, Honda replaced Tanaka. Okazaki-jo, the birthplace of Japan's most famous leader, was unfortunately torn down in 1873. The reconstruction dates to 1959.

Size: 3087px × 1960px
Location: Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
Photo credit: © Ivan Marchuk / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: aichi, architecture, asia, attraction, castle, city, cityscape, clock, culture, destinations, east, equipment, flower, heritage, historical, history, japan, japanese, journey, landmark, mechanism, okazaki, oriental, sightseeing, time, tokugawa, tourism, town, townscape, travel, view