Sermons on several important subjects of religion and morality : to which are added two tracts ... . enough, almofl to chill his Blood,or to make it run backward in his Veins ? It would be affronting a Chrijiiajz Audience^to exhort Them not to be carried about withany fuch Wind of Dodlrines as have beentaught by thefe Blafphemers,. The cimningSerpent J in thefe Inftances, feems to have gonebeyond Himfelf, and to have forgot hisrwo?2tedSubtilty. The Impofition is too grofs^ and theLanguage too coarfe to fetch in Converts. Allit can do, is, to make Thofe ^worje who werealways bad, to render Them

Sermons on several important subjects of religion and morality : to which are added two tracts ... . enough, almofl to chill his Blood,or to make it run backward in his Veins ? It would be affronting a Chrijiiajz Audience^to exhort Them not to be carried about withany fuch Wind of Dodlrines as have beentaught by thefe Blafphemers,. The cimningSerpent J in thefe Inftances, feems to have gonebeyond Himfelf, and to have forgot hisrwo?2tedSubtilty. The Impofition is too grofs^ and theLanguage too coarfe to fetch in Converts. Allit can do, is, to make Thofe ^worje who werealways bad, to render Them perhaps ten timesmore the Children of Hell, than They werebefore. As to Men of any good Senfe or Sobriety, Iprefume, fuch Attempts will only fill Themwith Horrour and Aftonifhment, and flir upTheir pious Zeal for God and Religion, Mayall Attacks upon our mofl Holy Faith, oragainfl; any Branch of it, have no other Ef-fed; : And may our BlefTed Lord God, v/hoalone can bring Good out of Evil, diredl andover-rule all Things for the Good of his Churchythro Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. S E R M O N. SERMON XI. The Cafe of St. Paul, in perfecuttngthe Church. A c T s IX. 4, 5. And He fell to the Rarth^ and heard aVoke^ faying unto Him ; Saul^ Saulywhy perfecuteji Thou Me P And He faidy Who art Thou^ Lord?And the Lord faidy I am yefus whomThou perfecuteji : It is hard for Theeto kick againfl the Pricks. HE Feftival of is of great Note, and oflong Standing in the Churchynot much iliort of a ThoufandYears. The Memorial of thathappy, miraculous Converlion, may fuggellto Us many pious ^nd ufeful Refledions j for which

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Keywords: ., booksubje, booksubjectchurchofengland, booksubjectsermonsenglish